Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The three types of relief sculptures are low relief, high relief, and sunken relief. Low relief is where part of the sculpture comes out partly from the background. High relief is where the sculpture comes out half or more than half from the background. Sunken relief is where you carve the clay. My project would be the low relief, because the only part that come up is the outline of all the fruit and the bowl. The medium I chose was clay. I glazed it at the end the colors of fruit and a bowl color. I'm most proud of how the fruit came out. It looks better than what I thought. The one thing I would change would be how the glaze turned out for the background because it didn't turn out that well.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Land Art

Land art is art art that is made of  nature things. It can be made out of dirt, sand, rocks, leaves, sticks, ect. I chose to do the smily face out of leaves because I thought it would look nice and it wouldn't be too complicated. It's just nice and simple. Something I would do next time to improve it would be add more leaves and probably make a outline of the face.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vessel Project

The medium I used for this project was clay. I chose clay because I like working with it and I thought it was the best choice for what I was making. My vessel is supposed to hold a candle, it is a candle holder. So my process to making my candle holder was that I got a decent piece of clay and I smoothed it out and then I measured how big I wanted the bottom and then I measured how long I wanted the side part so it matched the bottom. Then I scored and slipped so the side would stick to the base. Then I started to cut out diamonds with a clay knife, but they didn't come out symmetrical so I put the clay back to make it smooth again so I switched to having all squares. And then when it was fired I got some purple glaze and I painted it purple.

Art Article #2

This article is about how there was a new Van Gogh painting discovered, it is a painting of a landscape. The painting was thought to be fake and it got rejected many times. Now that the painting has been looked over again the evidence says that it is actually by Van Gogh. The brush strokes and the type of paint that he used all pointed to him. There are also some letters to his brother that described the painting. In the article that I researched was about how there were unique windows found in a attic that is 140 years old. Jack Walsh was cleaning the building and he came across a large space with some stuff from another time and it reviled a attic that the windows were in. It was a door warehouse back then. It relates to the Van Gogh article because the painting was found in a attic and it was very valuable just like the windows in the attic. Lastly Jack Walsh said "You never know what you can find in someone's attic."
